Syndicated sites

Sites developed by an automated publishing system (like SPIP or phpNuke) can easily create a file that always details a list of their latest publications. In particular, there is standard format for this sort of file called the "backend file".

This file can be easily and automatically analysed in order to regularly fetch the list of latest news articles from such sites. In this way, SPIP allows you to display, on your own site, the list of the latest articles published by other sites.

For each referenced site in your own sections, you have the possibility to fetch the list of the latest articles published on that site. That is, of course, if the referenced site offers a backend file.

-  How to find the files "backend.php" files?

For sites managed under SPIP or phpNuke, those backend files are easy to locate: it is simply a file located in the site root and called "backend.php3" (or "backend.html"). For example, as regards the uZine ( site, the backend file address is:


    Other examples of backend files include:

  • You should note that The other portal provides such files for the sites which it references, even if those sites do not have their own backend system. You will find on that page about thirty backend files for the sites referenced by The other portal, as well as a handful of theme files.

    -  Adding a syndicated site to your own site

    When you reference a site in one of your sections, in addition to indicating the name of the site, its homepage URL and a description, you can choose to syndicate it (therefore, a syndicated site is primarily a referenced site from which we ask SPIP to fetch the list of the latest publications).

    To do this, simply select the "syndication" option and enter the URL of the backend file of the desired site. Immediately after submitting your entries, a message will be shown to tell whether the syndication has succeeded or not.

    If the syndication fails:
    -  make sure you entered the correct URL for that site;
    -  make sure that the site you are trying to syndicate is actually accessible online.

    -  Quick referencing

    The quick site referencing feature (directly enter the site’s URL and SPIP will undertake the task of fetching the necessary information automatically) is very well suited for syndicated sites. Indeed, instead of entering the homepage URL during the referencing, you should enter the backend file URL of this site: SPIP will automatically fetch a large volume of information and proceed directly with the syndication.

    -  Syndicated articles

    When the syndication succeeds, SPIP displays the list of the latest articles published by that site. Look at the help page dedicated to the management of those links.

    -  The backend file of your own site

    SPIP automatically creates the backend file of your own site. However, do not forget to set up the name and the URL of your site on the The Site’s contents page.